Love is an experience of a relationship, it is not an
'experience object' by itself. Like when you have a rare pleasurable
experience, the projected relationship towards this 'Pleasurable
experience object' is love. Love is a projection from you towards the
manifest experience. It is the highest projection you are capable of
towards the manifest. It is the highest vibration your reality could
vibrate in. It is something projected by you towards the manifest
object. So the source of love cannot be anything other than you since it
is you who projects it onto 'experience objects'.
Conventional love:
Conventionally, our
belief structures filter what can allow you to open this projection onto
the manifest. Such a case, would be conditional love. So when the
'experienced object' is passed through your belief filter, and is deemed
worthy of the experience of love, then you shine/project love on to the
'experience object'.
For example, a teenager who is extremely eager to try
alcohol for the first time in his life comes with very high expectation.
If the right amount of alcohol is given to him, he would shine
projected love towards that inebriated experience. Whereas, a devout
christian who is deeply against the concept of alcohol may process this
experience in an extremely negative way. So we conditionally open and
close our love projection based on the interpretation of our belief
matrix and whether or not it interprets the present experience to be
worthy of such a lofty projection.
In such a case, the love is dependent on the existence of the 'experience object' and is also dependent on the belief structures interpreting the stimulus as worthy of love. So if either of them changes, the 'experience object' or your 'reality input interpretation/belief structures', your projection would change into something else (not love anymore). Then your vibration may lower into other states and once again there would be a need to seek a manifest object that would pass through the filter and allow you to experience this love again.
About the belief filter and the fleetingness of conventional love:
'belief filter' that conditions your projection potentials is the
prison. Also since both the 'unconscious belief matrix' and the
'manifest experience' are continuously changing, the experience of love
is inevitably fleeting. The freedom lies in transcending this matrix and
shining the light of awareness on all gross and subtle beliefs that
form this matrix like prison.
About transcendent love:
Now, I've
used words like prison, matrix, unconsciousness, fleeting, inebriated,
dependence, lower vibration whose connotations point to negative
phenomena. I've also used words like highest, transcendence, freedom,
light, awareness where the connotations point to something very
positive. The transcendent love however includes all of the above
including the negative phenomena. In fact negative/positive distinctions
are only based on the interpretative framework and duality. The
transcendent love is for all interpretative frameworks, all of manifest
experience, all its potentials etc. There is 'Nothing' literally that is
not embraced by transcendent love.
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