I have a perception of me, my priorities, mental maps etc.
and EVERYTHING ELSE in my perception is JUST a filler. Here the duality of lack
and fulfillment operate. But if I totally relax or rest my self-definitions,
priorities and feelings of separateness then I zoom out into another level
where many new states of consciousness open and everything that was in the
periphery before, actually becomes me. In truth every single thing that I can
perceive, experience, be aware of, cognize etc. is me. There is no solidity to
anything. Everything is just of miasma of movement and continuous change.
Identity is for social convenience just like time. It has no intrinsic reality
or essence. We give meaning to the stories, projections, images and videos and
finally the physical experiences they cause. But nothing has any essence.
Everything is the same basic substance - consciousness scape/water in an ocean.
Just like we have a dreamscape for dreams, you can objectify and go through
tons of emotions in the dream but when you wake up it’s all gone. How
substantial is that? Isn't that the reason people dismiss it as unreal?
Extending the same logic, isn't our reality also quite similar with experience
being everything? The objects, identity, concepts, priorities, projections are
all products of a man made social mind. How can that be taken as something
real? Yet we stick to that and live thinking we are a separate individual with
a separate identity for the rest of our lives. Why is that not ridiculous then?
If I slap you, will you say the pain is you? Isn't the experience of how we
call ourselves also ever-changing especially in pure body sensations and
By continuous reinforcement from childhood we have created a
somewhat solid entity of ourselves. Because of the reinforcement and habits
formed (thinking, physical actions etc.) we create this persistent imagination
or phantom of who we are and believe that for the rest of our lives. Society
pressures you right from birth to define an identity which is why the first
thing done is give you a unique name. After that the separateness of things is
gradually instilled by associating each object with a sound in language. You
tell a child this blue color thing in your hand is called "pen" by
repeating the word pen again and again whenever the child holds it. We do this
for all objects including the child's identity itself. Initially the child
associates the blue object as "pen". But the next day you show
another red pen and then repeat the word "pen" again. Now the child
is a bit confused but it combines the common characteristics of the two and
improvises on its concept of the pen. In this manner, but repeating words again
and again for different situations the child is in, we reinforce, improvise and
broaden definitions of all concepts for the child.
Once its older, its
definition of pen becomes refined like this:
Any object with the following properties:
function - to write on paper or on a digital
instrument by hand
properties - shape, color, texture, material,
mechanical parts, affordances
typical pen - writes in blue color, is long
cylindrical and has a handle and a press button on top
Now this is a micro example of the pen object just to show
how a child learns concepts. Along with teaching the child all these concepts,
you also teach it a mothership concept of "identity - me". Whenever a
child is having pain, you tell the child "you are always having pain"
OR if people do not like the child much you say "you are not desirable to
people". Now the child attaches this painful experience or the
undesirability to its definition of self. Just like the pen example, the child
builds up and improvises this definition of itself. Once the definition matures
a bit, it starts using the word 'I' and memory starts to function. That is why
we do not have any memories of the time before 3 or 4 years of age. Think about
it, if you don’t know what to look at among 1 billion stimuli, how can your
memory work?, what will you store?. So identity gives you definitions,
priorities and maps for what is important and what is not and once this is well
formed, your memory can start to function. So bringing up a child is actually a
supreme act of creation.
So it’s a funny paradox. This filter that prioritizes what
we should do, what is important, what is not, where our energies must flow,
what experiences should we seek, what should we move towards etc. is created
first and then we have our identity formed. Only after the identity is formed
do we have memory. The funny part is we look back on memory to find out why we
are like this. Why we are like this cannot be found in memory because the
identity was prior to that. It’s a job done by your
parents/circumstances/social interactions/experiences at an early age over
which you have no control. That is why identity is a socially created
phenomenon. It is not intrinsic and that is why part of enlightenment is seeing
through this completely. It is just like any other concept but we take it
extremely seriously because we think it is something solid or real.
The truth seems like a pure de-conditioning of all perception
of who we are. That is why they say the "Who are you?" question will
eradicate all your doubts. People take the doubts so seriously but never
question the beliefs/paradigm/assumptions on which the doubt resides. We just
have to intensely look into it and absorb it so intensely that we instantly see
how all of it is empty of essence just like the feeling of a slap is not
attached to you. One we advance sufficiently to see through our entire identity
and its assumptions/beliefs, many dualities start to disappear like the perceiver
and perceived become one; The knower and the known become one; and there is
absolute freedom just like becoming lucid in a dream and being able to do
absolutely anything. All that is needed is total relaxation and allowance of
everything as it is at every moment. Every time you relax into anything, you
diffuse its importance and it allows you to see how other options maybe equally
probable or valid.
Relaxing is basically a zooming out. Suppose you were on the
ground and standing just beside a tall building, the building looks very large
and massive. But what if I took you 13000ft up in the air for a skydive, this
large building just looks like a small dot. What if I took you to outer space -
could you even see the building? In a sense ideally as we grow up this is what
should happen - i.e. a broadening of our identity and diffusal of individual
parts based upon all the new experiences we have.
All reference points and even existence is an idea that
slips in and out. You simply relax into all those ideas and perspectives. Even
alan watts theories has so many reference points or angles. What disappears in
5 seconds is not real. The desire to find the ultimate reference point is from
insecurity. It acts as a middle man between the world and the interpreter (ego).
You exist is a prerequisite for anything even the experience absolute
Relax all focus points and center in the bliss - it’s just
surrendering everything - causeless realm is where bliss is - it doesn’t know
anything - it’s the nature of innocence - get out of all stories, analysis,
philosophizing, giving importance to anything etc. - experience your experience
without focusing on it - no objectifying - its absolute relaxation in
timelessness - awareness is the space in which duality occurs - personal
development in for improving personality, focus is still on causation, in
management mode, it’s not freedom, it’s helpful in the relative plane - freedom
is causeless and timelessness, there is no independent nature or essence to
things, all are expressions of one life, perceptions in one awareness,
everything is water. We attach experiences like happiness to certain objects -
it’s like there is a map of images and accordingly our experiences are felt -
this is the illusion
Symbolism - projections - words are just empty - mind
pictures/movies are empty - it’s all deconstruction to reach enlightenment - If
I seek an experience, can I maintain it for the rest of my life? - like
watching the laptop screen and imagining the movie - OR dreaming in the night
and projecting onto a dreamscape that just fizzes away - So what is the image
of wellness, analyze each component, is it a valid image, how long will it
last, can it last forever? - this is the man made/social mind - imagine the
most stressful state and look at it critically and it’s still possible to allow
it and see - it’s so beneficial to see the emptiness because it helps you rest
more and more and get real freedom - happiness is not an image (the images are
empty) it’s more of a relief and allowing everything to be right here -
enlightenment as a word is empty and when you fully imagine what it would look
like the emptiness can be seen - it’s simply the inescapable seeing and the
emptiness of everything - in a relative world, all words point to things
- Ask the question: What am I doing? What if I stop everything
and just be ‘non-doing’. I have to investigate how many things disappear.
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